Which Is The Best Social Media Platform For Customer Service?
Case Studies, Facebook, Social Listening, Twitter
Social media is not just a fad amongst teenagers anymore, businesses are using it for marketing...
A Community Manager’s Guide To Scoop.it
The first few adjectives that came to my mind when I was doing my research on Ally Greer by...
6 DOs and DON’Ts of Humour in Social Media Customer Care
The epic stance put up by Dave Carroll against United Airlines when the airline...
Keywords That Get Content Shared On Social Media
The two most important things in content marketing are words (duh!) and visuals. A marriage made...
SocialFlow: A Tool For Real Time Engagement
Company: SocialFlow Inc. Website: www.socialflow.com About: SocialFlow uses real time data to...
Here’s What Every Minute on the Internet Looks Like
Case Studies, Featured, Social Listening
Yes, the internet is vast. Yes there's a lot of stuff happening on it all the time. When you throw...
8 Differences Between Community Managers and Social Media Managers
I spend a lot of time on LinkedIn. I'm careful about the kind of people that I connect with, and...
5 Essential Twitter Tips from Twitter (Yeah!) For Small-Medium Businesses
The initial stages of starting up a business are often the hardest. There are several issues to...
The Most Effective Way to Read Articles Later with Pocket
So you have just come across this article but you\'re running late for a meeting. What should you...
Twitter’s Latest Changes Are Pissing People Off
After talks of canning the hashtags, @-replies and music app, Twitter has announced the roll...
Optimizing Content in a Time of Zero Organic Reach
The talk of the town for the last couple of months has been Facebook's decision to slash the...
A User’s Guide to Keeping Track of Facebook Page Updates
The entire realm of social media marketing has been buzzing about the significant drop in organic...
A One Day 400,000+ Increase in Facebook Page Likes Explained
Being rated as one of the most coveted fast food brands in the world doesn't come easy. Apart from...
Here’s How Cancer Research UK Raised £8 Million Using Selfies
Over the past two weeks, Cancer Research United Kingdom (CRUK) raised over £8 million from the...
Instagram Hits 200 Million Active Users – Here’s What You Need to Know
Exponential growth is nothing new. With the advent of websites like Upworthy and BuzzFeed, it's...
An Introduction to the Ultimate Social Media Tool – Sprout Social
A lot of social media tools have been invented and a significant amount of them faded away...
Don’t be Offended When I Tell You Why Everyone Is Unfollowing You
One of my favorite social media sites to not only use but also write about is Twitter; a great...
Google+ Changes Link Share Layout With Larger Images
While many remain skeptical about the popularity or eventual success of Google+, I for one am...